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For Better
or For

How do you engage your employees in
good times and bad?
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Chloe Lemelle, M.S.   Shrayashi Jariwala Browne, M.B.A.
The purpose of this webinar is to expose
organizations to the engagement levels of their
employees. It is something that often flies
under the radar, but really needs to be
In order to capitalize and maximize the skills
and productivity that your team has to offer,
you need to figure out how to best engage
them in their work. As the picture describes,
you don’t want employees who are employed
but not engaged, because these are the types
that may leave you at the altar or pursue other
job opportunities.
When the economic situation we are currently
in improves, don’t lose your best talent to your
competitors. Keep them engaged and
I want to turn now to a connection that will be
discussed throughout the presentation that
really analogizes job relationships to romantic
When you sit back and think about it, job
dynamics and personal relationships are a lot
alike and they both operate in similar phases…
Phase One: The Search

…You start out in the searching phase where you let it be known that you are looking for that special
someone. Just like dating, job seekers market themselves in some way. They clean up their resume;
tout their knowledge, skills, abilities, and other characteristics; and peruse websites and job postings
looking for that ideal job. They have certain qualifications in mind for what they are willing to accept
and some key characteristics they are looking for in a potential employer.

So, both dating and job hunting involve putting yourself out there, marketing yourself, and showing
interest at the sign of a potential prospect.
Phase Two: Prospects

With prospects, in both dating and job seeking, individuals try to present themselves in a favorable
light. They put their best foot forward, try to minimize imperfections, and try to find common ground
to spark the interests of their prospect. The goal is to impress.

Sometimes your efforts are fruitful and produce strong possibilities for sustained success…
…And other times, your efforts are futile and end up being a waste of time at best or a disaster at

 In both cases, some people are impulsive with these decisions, pick a bad fit, and end up being
unhappy because they do not feel fulfilled. Other times, people are unlucky with their prospects
and end up with bad apples. They likely feel forced to settle with whatever decent opportunity
comes their way.

However, the hope is that with time, proper understanding, patience, and mutual understanding;
a strong connection is formed.
Phase Three: Time to Get Serious
               Once you emerge victorious through the initial
               phases, you then enter into the next phase –
               the one that solidifies your relationship into
               something more official (the one where you
               are given the option to move forward in the
               relationship or pursue more options).

               Do you say “yes” and accept the job?

               You know that once you accept, it is a serious
               commitment. Are you willing to accept what
               the organization has to offer, or do you feel
               there is a better candidate out there?

               Once you accept the commitment, you then
               enter into a marriage-like state with your place
               of employment. You sign the papers, and it’s
Phase Four: The Honeymoon Period

Next you enter the honeymoon period. There is a sense of bliss, excitement of what’s to come,
and peace about finding a stable job. You are meeting new people, soaking everything in, and
basking in the fact that you are no longer unemployed.

We all know why it is called “the honeymoon period” – because it is short-lived. You slowly start
to realize that everything isn’t sunshine and roses and some negative tendencies start to emerge.
Phase Five: The Novelty Wears Off

                 When the novelty wears off, you
                 slowly start to notice things about
                 your employer that get under your

                 Like in marriage, many couples argue
                 over the toilet seat issue. Some are
                 even driven to divorce by this very

                 In organizations, you are exposed to
                 new policies, procedures, and issues
                 with which you may not agree.
It is no longer everything
                                                                      that you once made it out
                                                                      to be or rationalized in
                                                                      your mind that it would
                                                                      be. You may start to feel
                                                                      neglected at work or
                                                                      underappreciated.      You
                                                                      may not fit in as well in
                                                                      the team as you thought
                                                                      you would. Now, all of a
                                                                      sudden, your organization
                                                                      doesn’t seem like the
                                                                      place you once fell head
                                                                      over heels for.

What is the point of this analogy?
The point is to really illustrate the processes and thoughts at play in work relationships.
Organizations need to be exposed to these tendencies to best understand how to motivate and
sustain there people. Just like some marriages are successful and more auspicious, so are certain
work relationships. You have employees who have been with the same company for decades and
decades and have risen up the ranks.
On the other hand and, more often than not, relationships tend to end on a less favorable note.
Let’s turn now to some statistics…
Divorce Rates
    Couples between the ages of 20 - 25

      Together                   Divorce
        40%                       60%

Data provided by the National Center for Health Statistics
Average Voluntary Turnover Rates
                              Turnover Percentage
  40%                23.4%
             All Industries    Accommodation &     Leisure & Hospitality
                                 Food Services

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics in 2006, the average voluntary turnover rate
was 23.4% - the highest being in the Accommodation and Food Services Sector (56.4%) and
the Leisure and Hospitality sector (52.2%).
Pertaining to the restaurant industry, People Report showed that the average annual hourly
turnover was more than 107 percent (2006) and that management turnover was close to
29 percent (2006).
Employee Commitment

• Normative – obligatory commitment
• Continuance – commitment by necessity
• Affective – commitment by liking
Normative Commitment

Normative commitment represents feelings of obligation to the workplace. There is a sense of moral
obligation, loyalty, and duty.
Societal pressures may impart to you that it is wrong to leave a job and that you should just stick it
out. You create a psychological contract with your employer that binds you in a sense. In essence,
you commit to avoid being psychologically scolded.
Continuance Commitment

Continuance commitment involves a lack of alternatives and the determination that the costs to
leaving your current job outweigh the benefits of taking a new job.
Maybe you’ve made close friends that you don’t want to lose, maybe you worry about a loss of
pension benefits, maybe you are vested in an organization or eligible for promotion, or maybe the
economy is in a recession, and you are afraid to leave your current employer, so you remain
Affective Commitment

Affective commitment is often what people think of when they think of commitment. This
represents the emotional attachment, identification, and involvement that an employee has with
its organization and the organization’s goals. Here you are committed because you want to be,
because you enjoy what you do, and you appreciate your organization and what it stands for.

Unlike the other two, where you stay with a company because you feel you have to, affectively
committed employees stay because they want to.
Employee Engagement
       More than commitment and job satisfaction

Now that you understand
commitment, it is easier to
recognize the driving forces
behind engagement.

Employees       that    are
affectively committed are
more likely to be engaged.

Engaged employees are
typically more productive,
more enthusiastic about
their work, and more likely
to act in ways that further
the organization’s interests.
Employee Engagement
                                    Engagement Levels

    50%                 33%
    30%                                                                   18%

                   Engaged                Not Engaged          Actively Disengaged

                   Data provided by The Gallup Organization (2009)
Conducted in August of 2009, Based on 42,000 randomly selected individuals

• Engaged = passionate about work, feel connected, want to move the organization forward
• Not engaged = no passion or excitement, work just serves a purpose, no energy to go above
and beyond
• Actively disengaged = very unhappy, likely pursuing other job opportunities, looking for ways to
undermine the organization
It’s All About Connection

Organization                                                             Individual

If you aren’t measuring engagement, it is really important as an organization to do a pulse
check to feel where your employees are in terms of engagement levels. Engagement is
about finding a connection to the individual. You want to figure out what initiatives or
processes can drive and motivate people to perform. A lot of this can be accomplished by
using organizational surveys.
It is not just the organization’s
responsibility      to engage
employees, individuals need
to bring something to the
table as well.

The organization can help you
up the ladder, but you still
have pull your own weight.
bring to the table?
                                                                   So what does the
Engageability – It’s in your DNA,                             employee bring to the
  not everyone is predisposed                               An enormous amount of
                                                            time and money is being
                                                              spent by companies to
                                                             engage their employees
                                                                    and access more
                                                                discretionary effort.

                                                         However, a more
                                                         fundamental question
                                                         exists – do you have an
                                                         engageable workforce?
                                                          A few years ago, BHI
                                                         introduced a concept
                                                         called Engageability.
                                   Not everyone is predisposed, what’s in their
                                   makeup, or their DNA makes a difference in how
                                   engageable they are. Some individuals do not
                                   have the capacity to be engaged, as they do not
                                   possess the internal motivation, positive attitude,
                                   and willingness to expend discretionary effort
                                   necessary to achieve engagement.
            What exactly is Engageability?

Think about your individual talent…do they
exude confidence?

Are they able to move forward with tasks
and challenges because they believe they
can succeed or do they not even try for fear
of failure?
Locus of Control   Locus of control refers to the
                   extent to which individuals
                   believe that they can control
                   events that affect them.

                   Individuals with a high internal
                   locus of control believe that
                   events result primarily from
                   their own behavior and actions.

                   They have better control of
                   their behavior and are more
                   likely to assume that their
                   efforts will be successful. They
                   are more active in seeking
                   information and knowledge
                   concerning their situation.

                   Are your employees in the
                   driver’s seat?
Locus of Control
        Or do they let others drive for them?

        Those with lack an internal locus of
        control believe that powerful others,
        fate, or chance primarily determine
        events. No matter what they do, it’s
        all about luck or what someone else is
        doing to them.

        Do they make things happened or do
        things happen to them?
Emotional Stability

When faced with challenges, do your employees face them with a calm and
                        composed demeanor?
  Are they able to manage challenges and setbacks with an even head?
Emotional Stability

             Do they lose composure and shut down?
Or worse, do they become extremely upset and agitated, and take it
                out on co-workers and customers?
Internal Drive
Another trait that drives
Engageability is internal drive
and motivation.

Are the employees you hire just
there for the paycheck, are they
clock-watchers? Or do they
come in to work everyday
wanting to do a great job and
contribute to their own success
and that of the company?
Self Efficacy

Which leads us into self-efficacy – do they believe in themselves, are they
                 determined and do they feel capable?
   Despite obstacles and challenges, do they feel they can persevere?
Self Efficacy

Or do they simply bury their heads in the sand, or in this case shell, and
                    wait for someone else to do it?

                                    Are they optimistic?
 When they look at themselves in the mirror, do they say yes I can, or no, I really can’t? Are
they optimistic about their future and that of the company? Do they believe good things will
                                  happen for hard workers?

Are they glass half full?
Or glass half empty?

No matter how they look at things, are the only two roads doom and gloom?
Or are they confident, optimistic individuals who believe in themselves, are
passionate about their work, and come to work everyday with a positive attitude,
       ready to tackle challenges, and move themselves to the next level?
How do you marry the two?

So we’ve talked about Engagement and Engageability, now how do you marry the two?
How do you marry the two?
                                                           BHI conducted a study with one of our
                                                           clients where we measured Engagement
High                                                       through an org survey. Engagement was
                                                           measured by 12 questions around
                 Low Engagement       High Engagement      employees’     attitudes   about     their
                 High Engageability   High Engageability   relationship with supervisor and co-
                                                           workers, their understanding of their job,

                                                           and whether or not they found their work
                                                           meaningful and challenging with the
                                                           opportunity to advance themselves.
                 Low Engagement        High Engagement      Engageability was measured through a set
                 Low Engageability     Low Engageability   of items related to the concepts we just
                                                           discussed. We analyzed the data and put
Low                                                        groups of employees into quadrants to put
                                                           the two together.

                Low            ENGAGEMENT           High   We will talk about each of these
                                                           quadrants and also best practices in to
                                                           manage each set of employees.
Low Engagement                               Low Engageability

These are people with low internal drive and also receiving minimal encouragement or inspiration to
Not only are they not engageable, but they aren’t being engaged in any way. There is a lack of
commitment and motivation from these employees, and they are apathetic about their work.
Think about how these employees might be affecting others. Identify these employees and
understand how they are affecting others. Are there any diamonds in the rough, that can be better
understood and motivated to perform on the job?
High Engagement / Low Engageability
                   This quadrant can be described as being
                   manager driven.

                   While the individuals may not be all that
                   engageable, the managers and the
                   environment are able to elicit energy and
                   commitment from these employees despite
                   their inclination to have a lack of

                   The managers in this case are successful in
                   determining where the employees passions
                   lie, and what it is they truly need in order to
                   get the most out of them.

                   What can your learn from these managers?

                   How are these managers addressing lack of
                   motivation in individuals?

                   How can you apply this to other manager-
                   employee relationships?
Low Engagement / High Engageability
                  This quadrant had a strong presence of high
                  potential employees.

                  However, it’s lacking in the managerial effort
                  required to leverage these value-adding team

                  So let’s think back to the economy, when the
                  economy starts to recover, are these
                  employees going to look elsewhere?

                  They will be looking for an environment
                  where they feel motivated and challenged,
                  where they feel they are adding value and
                  are being engaged in the company’s success.

                   How can you proactively manage these
                  employees so that they are retained when
                  there are other options available?
                                                                        / High

This quadrant is described as having team members with a strong internal drive to excel, coupled with
managers who are able to encourage and inspire them to go above and beyond. As a result,
employees who fall within this quadrant tend to consistently exceed expectations.

                      What are the managers doing to promote engagement?
                           Fill you talent pipeline with these individuals.
Continue to recognize and reward these individuals and show them their hard work and commitment
                                              will pay off.
Group Counseling                Renewal of the vows
                                                                        So think about each

                                                                        Low Engagement, low
                                                                        Engageability - Is it time

                                                                        to make the tough calls,
                                                                        and “get a divorce”?

                                                                        Or do you have
                                                                        something in between,
                                                                        where it is time to get
                                                                        some counseling and
                                                                        understand where
                                                                        everyone is?

                                                                         Or do you have highly
                Divorce?                        Individual Counseling   engageable employees
                                                                        who are engaged that
       Low                                                              you want to “renew the
                                                                        vows” with and keep

                           Low                                                             High
Hiring for the Future

As the economy improves, will you be able to retain your top talent?

What are you doing right now to motivate and engage these people?
Hiring for the Future

                           Who will you hire in the future?
Are you looking for the people who have the right fit for the characteristics of the job
                   Will you know what they are passionate about?
                        Will you know what makes them tick?
                        Will you know if they are engageable?
     Do they have the predisposition and the characteristics you are looking for?
Hiring for the Future
How will you find and identify these individuals?

Will you be leaving it up to chance?
So think back to your employee
relationships and what you want
to get out of them?

Do you want to be this couple?
Or this one?
Ways to Prepare for Economic Recovery
• Identify levels of engagement within your
  workforce through organizational surveys or
  focus groups
• Use Personality and Engageability Assessments to
  identify and create the right person/job fit.
• Identify managers who are best at engaging and
  getting results out of employees
• Employ best practices learned from these
  managers throughout organization

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For Better Or For Worse

  • 1. For Better or For Worse How do you engage your employees in good times and bad?
  • 2. Pictures of presenters Chloe Lemelle, M.S. Shrayashi Jariwala Browne, M.B.A.
  • 3. The purpose of this webinar is to expose organizations to the engagement levels of their employees. It is something that often flies under the radar, but really needs to be addressed. In order to capitalize and maximize the skills and productivity that your team has to offer, you need to figure out how to best engage them in their work. As the picture describes, you don’t want employees who are employed but not engaged, because these are the types that may leave you at the altar or pursue other job opportunities. When the economic situation we are currently in improves, don’t lose your best talent to your competitors. Keep them engaged and committed. I want to turn now to a connection that will be discussed throughout the presentation that really analogizes job relationships to romantic relationships. When you sit back and think about it, job dynamics and personal relationships are a lot alike and they both operate in similar phases…
  • 4. Phase One: The Search …You start out in the searching phase where you let it be known that you are looking for that special someone. Just like dating, job seekers market themselves in some way. They clean up their resume; tout their knowledge, skills, abilities, and other characteristics; and peruse websites and job postings looking for that ideal job. They have certain qualifications in mind for what they are willing to accept and some key characteristics they are looking for in a potential employer. So, both dating and job hunting involve putting yourself out there, marketing yourself, and showing interest at the sign of a potential prospect.
  • 5. Phase Two: Prospects With prospects, in both dating and job seeking, individuals try to present themselves in a favorable light. They put their best foot forward, try to minimize imperfections, and try to find common ground to spark the interests of their prospect. The goal is to impress. Sometimes your efforts are fruitful and produce strong possibilities for sustained success…
  • 6. …And other times, your efforts are futile and end up being a waste of time at best or a disaster at worst! In both cases, some people are impulsive with these decisions, pick a bad fit, and end up being unhappy because they do not feel fulfilled. Other times, people are unlucky with their prospects and end up with bad apples. They likely feel forced to settle with whatever decent opportunity comes their way. However, the hope is that with time, proper understanding, patience, and mutual understanding; a strong connection is formed.
  • 7. Phase Three: Time to Get Serious Once you emerge victorious through the initial phases, you then enter into the next phase – the one that solidifies your relationship into something more official (the one where you are given the option to move forward in the relationship or pursue more options). Do you say “yes” and accept the job? You know that once you accept, it is a serious commitment. Are you willing to accept what the organization has to offer, or do you feel there is a better candidate out there? Once you accept the commitment, you then enter into a marriage-like state with your place of employment. You sign the papers, and it’s official!
  • 8. Phase Four: The Honeymoon Period Next you enter the honeymoon period. There is a sense of bliss, excitement of what’s to come, and peace about finding a stable job. You are meeting new people, soaking everything in, and basking in the fact that you are no longer unemployed. We all know why it is called “the honeymoon period” – because it is short-lived. You slowly start to realize that everything isn’t sunshine and roses and some negative tendencies start to emerge.
  • 9. Phase Five: The Novelty Wears Off When the novelty wears off, you slowly start to notice things about your employer that get under your skin. Like in marriage, many couples argue over the toilet seat issue. Some are even driven to divorce by this very topic. In organizations, you are exposed to new policies, procedures, and issues with which you may not agree.
  • 10. It is no longer everything that you once made it out to be or rationalized in your mind that it would be. You may start to feel neglected at work or underappreciated. You may not fit in as well in the team as you thought you would. Now, all of a sudden, your organization doesn’t seem like the place you once fell head over heels for. What is the point of this analogy? The point is to really illustrate the processes and thoughts at play in work relationships. Organizations need to be exposed to these tendencies to best understand how to motivate and sustain there people. Just like some marriages are successful and more auspicious, so are certain work relationships. You have employees who have been with the same company for decades and decades and have risen up the ranks. On the other hand and, more often than not, relationships tend to end on a less favorable note. Let’s turn now to some statistics…
  • 11. Divorce Rates Couples between the ages of 20 - 25 Stay Together Divorce 40% 60% Data provided by the National Center for Health Statistics
  • 12. Average Voluntary Turnover Rates Turnover Percentage 56.4% 52.2% 60% 50% 40% 23.4% 30% 20% 10% 0% All Industries Accommodation & Leisure & Hospitality Food Services According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics in 2006, the average voluntary turnover rate was 23.4% - the highest being in the Accommodation and Food Services Sector (56.4%) and the Leisure and Hospitality sector (52.2%). Pertaining to the restaurant industry, People Report showed that the average annual hourly turnover was more than 107 percent (2006) and that management turnover was close to 29 percent (2006).
  • 13. Employee Commitment • Normative – obligatory commitment • Continuance – commitment by necessity • Affective – commitment by liking
  • 14. Normative Commitment Normative commitment represents feelings of obligation to the workplace. There is a sense of moral obligation, loyalty, and duty. Societal pressures may impart to you that it is wrong to leave a job and that you should just stick it out. You create a psychological contract with your employer that binds you in a sense. In essence, you commit to avoid being psychologically scolded.
  • 15. Continuance Commitment Continuance commitment involves a lack of alternatives and the determination that the costs to leaving your current job outweigh the benefits of taking a new job. Maybe you’ve made close friends that you don’t want to lose, maybe you worry about a loss of pension benefits, maybe you are vested in an organization or eligible for promotion, or maybe the economy is in a recession, and you are afraid to leave your current employer, so you remain “committed.”
  • 16. Affective Commitment Affective commitment is often what people think of when they think of commitment. This represents the emotional attachment, identification, and involvement that an employee has with its organization and the organization’s goals. Here you are committed because you want to be, because you enjoy what you do, and you appreciate your organization and what it stands for. Unlike the other two, where you stay with a company because you feel you have to, affectively committed employees stay because they want to.
  • 17. Employee Engagement More than commitment and job satisfaction Now that you understand commitment, it is easier to recognize the driving forces behind engagement. Employees that are affectively committed are more likely to be engaged. Engaged employees are typically more productive, more enthusiastic about their work, and more likely to act in ways that further the organization’s interests.
  • 18. Employee Engagement Engagement Levels 49% 50% 33% 40% 30% 18% 20% 10% 0% Engaged Not Engaged Actively Disengaged Data provided by The Gallup Organization (2009) Conducted in August of 2009, Based on 42,000 randomly selected individuals • Engaged = passionate about work, feel connected, want to move the organization forward • Not engaged = no passion or excitement, work just serves a purpose, no energy to go above and beyond • Actively disengaged = very unhappy, likely pursuing other job opportunities, looking for ways to undermine the organization
  • 19. It’s All About Connection Organization Individual If you aren’t measuring engagement, it is really important as an organization to do a pulse check to feel where your employees are in terms of engagement levels. Engagement is about finding a connection to the individual. You want to figure out what initiatives or processes can drive and motivate people to perform. A lot of this can be accomplished by using organizational surveys.
  • 20. It is not just the organization’s responsibility to engage employees, individuals need to bring something to the table as well. The organization can help you up the ladder, but you still have pull your own weight.
  • 21. bring to the table? So what does the Engageability – It’s in your DNA, employee bring to the table? not everyone is predisposed An enormous amount of time and money is being spent by companies to engage their employees and access more discretionary effort. However, a more fundamental question exists – do you have an engageable workforce? A few years ago, BHI introduced a concept called Engageability. Not everyone is predisposed, what’s in their makeup, or their DNA makes a difference in how engageable they are. Some individuals do not have the capacity to be engaged, as they do not possess the internal motivation, positive attitude, and willingness to expend discretionary effort necessary to achieve engagement. What exactly is Engageability?
  • 22. Confidence Think about your individual talent…do they exude confidence? Are they able to move forward with tasks and challenges because they believe they can succeed or do they not even try for fear of failure?
  • 23. Locus of Control Locus of control refers to the extent to which individuals believe that they can control events that affect them. Individuals with a high internal locus of control believe that events result primarily from their own behavior and actions. They have better control of their behavior and are more likely to assume that their efforts will be successful. They are more active in seeking information and knowledge concerning their situation. Are your employees in the driver’s seat?
  • 24. Locus of Control Or do they let others drive for them? Those with lack an internal locus of control believe that powerful others, fate, or chance primarily determine events. No matter what they do, it’s all about luck or what someone else is doing to them. Do they make things happened or do things happen to them?
  • 25. Emotional Stability When faced with challenges, do your employees face them with a calm and composed demeanor? Are they able to manage challenges and setbacks with an even head?
  • 26. Emotional Stability Do they lose composure and shut down? Or worse, do they become extremely upset and agitated, and take it out on co-workers and customers?
  • 27. Internal Drive Another trait that drives Engageability is internal drive and motivation. Are the employees you hire just there for the paycheck, are they clock-watchers? Or do they come in to work everyday wanting to do a great job and contribute to their own success and that of the company?
  • 28. Self Efficacy Which leads us into self-efficacy – do they believe in themselves, are they determined and do they feel capable? Despite obstacles and challenges, do they feel they can persevere?
  • 29. Self Efficacy Or do they simply bury their heads in the sand, or in this case shell, and wait for someone else to do it?
  • 30. Optimism Are they optimistic? When they look at themselves in the mirror, do they say yes I can, or no, I really can’t? Are they optimistic about their future and that of the company? Do they believe good things will happen for hard workers?
  • 33. Optimism No matter how they look at things, are the only two roads doom and gloom?
  • 34. Or are they confident, optimistic individuals who believe in themselves, are passionate about their work, and come to work everyday with a positive attitude, ready to tackle challenges, and move themselves to the next level?
  • 35. How do you marry the two? So we’ve talked about Engagement and Engageability, now how do you marry the two?
  • 36. How do you marry the two? BHI conducted a study with one of our clients where we measured Engagement High through an org survey. Engagement was measured by 12 questions around Low Engagement High Engagement employees’ attitudes about their High Engageability High Engageability relationship with supervisor and co- workers, their understanding of their job, ENGAGEABILITY and whether or not they found their work meaningful and challenging with the opportunity to advance themselves. Low Engagement High Engagement Engageability was measured through a set Low Engageability Low Engageability of items related to the concepts we just discussed. We analyzed the data and put Low groups of employees into quadrants to put the two together. Low ENGAGEMENT High We will talk about each of these quadrants and also best practices in to manage each set of employees.
  • 37. Low Engagement Low Engageability These are people with low internal drive and also receiving minimal encouragement or inspiration to excel. Not only are they not engageable, but they aren’t being engaged in any way. There is a lack of commitment and motivation from these employees, and they are apathetic about their work. Think about how these employees might be affecting others. Identify these employees and understand how they are affecting others. Are there any diamonds in the rough, that can be better understood and motivated to perform on the job?
  • 38. High Engagement / Low Engageability This quadrant can be described as being manager driven. While the individuals may not be all that engageable, the managers and the environment are able to elicit energy and commitment from these employees despite their inclination to have a lack of commitment. The managers in this case are successful in determining where the employees passions lie, and what it is they truly need in order to get the most out of them. What can your learn from these managers? How are these managers addressing lack of motivation in individuals? How can you apply this to other manager- employee relationships?
  • 39. Low Engagement / High Engageability This quadrant had a strong presence of high potential employees. However, it’s lacking in the managerial effort required to leverage these value-adding team members. So let’s think back to the economy, when the economy starts to recover, are these employees going to look elsewhere? They will be looking for an environment where they feel motivated and challenged, where they feel they are adding value and are being engaged in the company’s success. How can you proactively manage these employees so that they are retained when there are other options available?
  • 40. High Engagement / High Engageability This quadrant is described as having team members with a strong internal drive to excel, coupled with managers who are able to encourage and inspire them to go above and beyond. As a result, employees who fall within this quadrant tend to consistently exceed expectations. What are the managers doing to promote engagement? Fill you talent pipeline with these individuals. Continue to recognize and reward these individuals and show them their hard work and commitment will pay off.
  • 41. Group Counseling Renewal of the vows High So think about each quadrant Low Engagement, low Engageability - Is it time ENGAGEABILITY to make the tough calls, and “get a divorce”? Or do you have something in between, where it is time to get some counseling and understand where everyone is? Or do you have highly Divorce? Individual Counseling engageable employees who are engaged that Low you want to “renew the ENGAGEMENT vows” with and keep them? Low High
  • 42. Hiring for the Future As the economy improves, will you be able to retain your top talent? What are you doing right now to motivate and engage these people?
  • 43. Hiring for the Future Who will you hire in the future? Are you looking for the people who have the right fit for the characteristics of the job Will you know what they are passionate about? Will you know what makes them tick? Will you know if they are engageable? Do they have the predisposition and the characteristics you are looking for?
  • 44. Hiring for the Future How will you find and identify these individuals? Will you be leaving it up to chance?
  • 45. So think back to your employee relationships and what you want to get out of them? Do you want to be this couple?
  • 47. Ways to Prepare for Economic Recovery • Identify levels of engagement within your workforce through organizational surveys or focus groups • Use Personality and Engageability Assessments to identify and create the right person/job fit. • Identify managers who are best at engaging and getting results out of employees • Employ best practices learned from these managers throughout organization